The average shipping time of a package on our store is generally between 5-10 business days. Our products are packaged and shipped by our suppliers who handle thousands of orders each day. Additionally, some products may be shipped from our overseas suppliers, which naturally takes longer transit duration. Plus factors such as weather, customs, public holidays and any other uncertain events may cause a slight delay in delivery.
An order can only be cancelled within 12 hours after placing it. Cancellation requests after 12 hours of ordering a product cannot be entertained as the order has already been packaged and probably shipped by then. To cancel an order and ask for a refund of your amount, please feel free to drop an e-mail to Our executives will be happy to assist you.
If a package does not reach your shipping address within 30 days(45 days for some smaller packages), you may ask for a refund. That’s because some products in our inventory are shipped from our overseas warehouses and suppliers. Such packages may take a bit longer in transit. Additionally, weather conditions, customs, business days or any other contingency may also cause a delay in delivery time. Check out our returns and refunds policy in detail.
In such cases, drop us a line immediately at We’ll be happy to ship you a new package or process a refund if you want.
No. The products sold on this website are wall stickers, wall decals and wall murals which do not have any guarantee or warranty attached. However, there may be exceptions for some products, which will be clearly listed in their respective product description.
Since our orders are packaged and shipped by us and our suppliers in huge volumes, it is really hard to update individual customers about the tracking details of their package. Hence we cannot update the tracking details on our website for every individual package. However, we have our internal tracking system to monitor each and every package and its location.
If you are really concerned about the location of your package, feel free to drop an e-mail at and we’ll update you about the location and estimated time of arrival of your package.
It is an extremely rare issue. This may happen when you order different products at once from our store. This happens because different products on our store are sometimes, packaged and shipped from different warehouses due to the large volume of orders we process. . We try our best to ensure that all your products arrive the same day. But most probably, the difference in the time of arrival may not be more than 2-3 days.
Feel free to contact our sales department at